How much time does the average person spend shopping?

The answer to spending less is not coupons or blow-out sales.

Shop less.

That’s it. Yes, it is wise to negotiate the price of things. Take advantage of coupons and deep discounts when they makes sense.

But if you want to save money and improve your finances, shop less.

You don’t get that message often. You don’t need to be a PhD economist consulting the retail sector to understand that we are bombarded every day by marketing messages urging us to buy, buy, buy. And we do. Way, way, too much for most of us.

Take, for example, clothes. The U.S. apparel industry today is a $12 billion business and the average American family spends $1,700 on clothes annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The dollar figures are of little significance since it accounts for just 3.5 percent of a family’s expenses, on average. What is significant is whether that money is spent on need or waste. The answer is, largely, waste. In 1930, the average American woman owned nine outfits. Today, that figure is 30 outfits — one for every day of the month.

What about the rest of it? Much of it is hoarded, and that hoarding is expensive. The Daily Mail reports that women in the U.K. buy half of their body weight in clothes each year, and the average woman in England has 22 unworn items in her closet.

To warehouse these growing collections, we need more space. So we build and buy bigger homes. The median size for newly constructed house today stands at 2,478 square feet, up from 983 square feet in 1950, even as family size has shrank during those years. Of course, clothes only fill a tiny portion of these mini-mansions. The rest of these ballooning abodes require lots and lots of shopping for furniture, decor, kitchen accouterments, toys and electronics. More shopping and shopping ensues — so much so that all this stuff overflows into basements and attics. One fascinating University of California Los Angeles study of middle-class American families found that three in four garages are so packed with stuff that there is no room for a vehicle.

When these auxiliary spaces in our homes are loaded, the overflow heads to self-storage units.

The Self Storage Association reports that Americans spend $24 billion each year to store their stuff in 2.3 billion square feet of these units, an industry which has proven to be the fastest growing segment of the commercial real estate industry over the past four decades. The Wall Street Journal calls the industry “recession resistant.”

Another sector that has blossomed through recent economic turmoil is the organizing industry. The National Association of Professional Organizers reports that organizing consultants and products — think The Container Store — has grown into a $1 billion industry.

All the acquiring and storing has its limits and it must go away. And when you don’t know what to do with all your stuff — or you die and your decedents have to contend with it — someone calls 1-800-JUNK or one of its competitors and pays them to haul it away, most of it to a landfill that you and I pay for through our growing tax bills.

In other words, we spend money on spending, then we spend money to warehouse and organize the stuff we spend on. Then we pay to discard it. Then we pay to maintain the landfills where it sits for ever and ever.

But the expense of shopping doesn’t stop there! You pay in time and mental health, too.

A few years ago market research firm OnePoll surveyed 2,000 women and found that each year chicks spend more than 100 hours on 30 trips to shop for clothes, 15 shoe-shopping excursions taking 40 hours, and a full 50 hours per year window shopping. Sure, we all need to do some shopping. That is life. But this is not shopping-because-you-need-stuff-to-live. This is shopping for sport. After all, that same survey found that these same women spend 95 hours and 84 trips shopping for food — which one could argue is a daily need actually requiring frequent shopping. Yet this task occupies half the time of shoe, clothes and window shopping.

And then there is the time required to maintain all that stuff. That big house doesn’t clean itself, after all. Either you must work more hours at a paid job to pay someone else to clean it, or take your own time to clean it. All those 30 outfits must be laundered and ironed. All of this time shopping and maintaining stuff cuts into time you could be spending on other stuff — building your career so you could make more money, or on hobbies, exercise, sleep or time with your family. It’s no secret that obese and exhausted America should be spending more time on healthier habits, and Pew tells us that 46 percent of dads believe they spend too little time with their children, and 23 percent of moms feel the same way.

But that stuff in and of itself makes our lives directly worse. A National Association of Professional Organizers survey found that 54 percent of Americans are overwhelmed by their clutter and 78 percent find it too complicated to deal with. The UCLA study found that managing the volume of their possessions is so severe that it elevates stress hormone levels for many mothers.

So what is the answer?

Get real with your feelings. What keeps you up at night? Money worries? Guilt for not spending time with loved ones? How can you switch time and money spent to align with your goals and priorities?
Switch your focus from saving money on individual items and buying quality items that will last a long time and give you pleasure. Instead of buying 19 cheap tops at H&M and Target, invest in three beautiful blouses that give you a thrill when you wear them and will last for several years.
Ban the notion of “retail therapy.”
Put that shopping spree into the context of your entire life. Next time you go shopping, ask yourself how it really makes you feel. Now think of your closet, drawers and attic. Are they full? How does that make you feel? What about your bank account? Does the balance evoke comfort or anxiety?Source:


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