Network marketing

Network marketing is simply just a business structure better than all of the other ones out there!!! Have you ever thought to yourself wouldn’t it be nice if I didn’t have to clock out when I go home? I could be making money 24/7 when I’m sleeping. I know I did in 2010 when I worked for a catering company for a year-and-a-half and still got no raise and I was his hardest worker! Yes be cautious with all life choices you make, but don’t be so quick to make an uneducated decision. Educate yourself about network marketing and be careful that you make sure you do not get in one that is not legitimate. My father used to often say to me I wish I bought stock in Yahoo when it was just a penny a piece. Then he talked about Amazon and the different companies that he believed in, but he never bought stock in them and he is still working for the man at the age of 65!  do you guys really want to be able to retire at the age of 65 or older or would you rather retire as soon as possible maybe even in your early 20s or early 30s?  I will be doing network marketing again very soon!!! Why did I stop? Simple I had bad mentorship!!! Ask yourself am I happy with my present life?  If the answer is no then come up with an educated decision and execute that decision!


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